Tuesday, January 12, 2010

BING...north we go.

hey guys,

just a quick note

As of Thursday we will have smashed our record of continuous ass sitting. 2 & a half days...yes...that's right TWO + a HALF DAYS!!!....it's time we finally chased the sun. So what can one do for that long just sitting? hmmmm...window gazing, play magnetic chess, eat, write overdue postcards, draw those cartoon skits we (nick) promised but am yet to deliver, prepare the blog ( : this time with more pics and less writing because we know you don't read it!...(helene says: i knoooooooooooooooooow my friends read the blog and my DAD and my gandma) (nick: Mum of course you do, and as for my friends...debatable. ya dicks! )

so any more suggestions for activities we can do whilst we just sit???? do share.

Mad love to all, enjoy the sun + snow.

Helli & Nick

helli says: we are going north - weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeoooooooooooooooooh (nick says: the yeti mating call)

seeeeee you all in Mendoza!!! (east central argentina for those who dont read our blog)

1 comment:

  1. Hey, Collins!
    We DO read this blog! keep writing.. pleeeeeeeeaseeeeeeeeeee! and, we actually enjoy reading about your adventures..
    PS. Ok, ok, Lucas just look at the pictures... but, he loves them!
