Friday, February 26, 2010

end of bolivia _ a post in german and english

coroico - a week in paradise...our view


lets get ready to...waterbomb and foam fights...yippiiieehhh

ororu - carneval- click
thats what we do....thats what the dork learned me..chess....chess everywhere..and tataaa...i d like to introduce..the new inca vs spain chess board..good buy nick
thats just a funny
just a into the crowdlapaz - witches market - dried bay lamas..anyone an baby alpaca scarf
traffic traffic traffci
que no muy lindo but i guess with character
wires cables la paz
hmmm that was actually in sucre in the market.......iiiiiigggiiittttttttttt...but if you want you can buy it...interested?
isla del sol numero tres
isla del sol numero dos....
a tiny bit of a beach in copacabana
que lindo... el gordo dorko
sweet ,weird old lady...the oldest and slowest waitress ever..we think she jsut came out by accident..."que numero de mesa? Aaa-Maaa-Zooo-Ooooo-Nnnnn-Aaaaa-Sssss Hache, u, o, ese, e " ahahah ..... amazonas house was a cocktail
on the isla del sol- titicaka lake

that city is just huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuugeat daytime....this is black smog...BLACK..and this is just one bus of tousends . wonder how old these ppl get ....baeh
lapaz at night looks nize but....
third: be happy...there it is
second: dont worry....
first: he comes the backpacks - from the balcony above
fatty dork goes shopping - you dont like fernec - accept it
sucre just before the big rain - like every day

a mix of pictures - pottpueree

huuuuh...i dont even know where to start
start with uploading pictures :)
sitting in ecuador in some random, empty hosteland i am about to go to montanita...surfing -yipppieh
but before of course the blog needs some food of the last weeks
i would say we experienced some of bolivias finest views. a beautiful and just breathtaking view from our little cabana and on the other side the inside of our private bathroom toilet :)
but start from the beginning,after that horrible bus ride with nicks smahed toenail, we were sick of taking bolivian buses and our next trip was supposed to be to the jungle, only a at least 24 hour bus ride. aaaaarrrrggg. but for some time reason and organizing stuff reason we didnt go.instead we left to copacabana- the titicaca lake. came with an eeeeaaassy bus ride. only 3 hours or so. hihi.
that lake is just huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuggeeeeee and honestly, i think u cannot experience it from the human point of view, which is i think itis not so spectacular like the desert was. you rather have the feeling you arelookong at an ocean. still the landscape is beautuful and it was good to see water again. long time no see.
i think copacabana sounds like an place with cocktails and pools and panana hats and a beach , not really what u get to see in copacabana. well not true. they had a beach or at least something like a beach under all the rubbish and a bar called nemo with some really nice drinks and sun and heapz of hippies selling their art and bracelets. souvenirs eeeeeeverwhere...nick got crazy there and no one rescued him . so he bought all his down there. now everyone back home will be happy. :)
the biggest seller and to my oponion the biggest ripp-off is the isla del sol.
kay. i know we are jsut talking about 4-5 euros, but
first you book a "tour" transport to the island and someone shows you the inca relict. didnt happened. just transport. well doesnt matter.
then once you are on top of the island , seen the mesa de incas, which for sure got put there 3 weeks ago (the medicine dude who gave you your absolution - donno- was a bit of a very good laugh) , most people decide to walk acros the island back to the other little village of the island to catch the ferry back. so did we. HALF way !!!!!! i have to repeat - half way , oh and by the way, its an 3 hours walk, there is a bolvian lady charging you money for using the way. but did i mention before we already had to pay to enter the island and see the oh so fantastic mesa de incas.... anyways. there is only one way, coz if you go back there is no boat. so we paid. at the end of the walk they seriously wanted to see our ticket. and 20 metres behind there was the next lady. charging us for using the village. unbelievable. best tour ever.

next da
y we wanted to go back to lapaz. buuuuuuuuuut nooooooooooooooope. no one gets in or out oflapaz. some kind of protest. something about drunk drivers and many accidents.

but back we were in lapaz.
such an uninteresting, disgusting, dirty, loud overcrowed city. nothing beautful there. the hostels were either the biggest party hostel i ve ever seen or run by 15 or 17 years old , who played then same songs honestly 5 tinmes in a row plus you were stll albe to hear hit downstairs, outside and back inside and one up...maybe we are getting old...
so what to do. do more souvenir shopping. not me helli. no souvenir shopping this time and the leave the city as fast as possible again.

thats what we did.

coz its time for caaaaarrneval.
get up guys. at 3.30. wwwwweeeeoh. way to early. but ororu is 4 hours away and all the other guys from the hostel wanna be picked up too.
be ready to get wet. and covered in foam from the can. yeeeahhh. waterbomb fights everywhere. the kids will get you. and they did. :) at the end of the day we were all tired, wet and full of millions of different costumes. the parade itself is after 5 hours of sittinga bit too much and boring. because you can only sit on a stand and watch or have3 foam and waterbomb fights. which is a loads of fun.but you are not really a part of the carneval and we couldnt experience to be there over night because our bus left to lapaz again.
actually the more i think abou the most impressive thing about lapaz is its height and the spreading. it s just huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuge and howall these little unfinished house are settle in the mountains. one by one. thats awesome.

anyways. this night it was time to say goodbye because we all went different ways. some to brasil, some to peru , some kept travelling in bolvia - like us- heading to paradise just outside lap az. but much lower. only just about 1000 m . and the moment we arrived in coroico we felt much better. the height wasnt really a good friend to us, neither was the food in bolivia. but i will summarize this up later.

so coroico. still carneval. the cabana up in the mountian. lets take a taxi. only maybe 30 degrees outside. and only a small town of 3500 people living there and today celebrating carneval. but not just watching. noooo. actually having a party on the street. and traffic!!!!!! but we have time. it just a bit hot in the taxi and everytime i turned around to talk or have a look at that fatty the more buttons were open until there was no shirt anymore. "why dont you just not open the window" "because it is not working" ; and simsalabin the window opens - dork :)
i nearly died when i had to carry the backpacks that little bit uphill but i got the best view you can get frok your bed. just amaaaazing. our little home for a week to rest from traveling. and i think this week was like beeing in paradise. because all we did was -ehm - eating, drinking and playing chess and saying how awesome that view is - jep i guess thats it- oh maybe holding a monkey in the animal sanctury just around the corner or harry our pet spider aaaaaaaaaaaaand mayb finding out that cockroaches have a neon green led light attached to their back which blinks when they are in danger (which was our fault, because we caught her in the hut and let her free over harry's home- mean us - but harry didnt like her). but i would say food,drink and chess were the best.
so this would have been the fantastic view of bolivia.
the bad view.
bolvia didnt like us. everyone got sick on food first of all. i wonder if we ever had a timewhere we were able to use the toilet normally. either no can or too much can. nick threw up the first time in lapaz. yvonne had her day off in sucre. the height made me dizzy all the time. and neither of us could sllep well at night. i lost my so dear loved 10 years old pretty awesome mortla combat pantsin that fuckning party party hostel , because the whole room was just a total mess.
but i would say the highlight was our last nihgt in lapaz.
we just came back from coroico. and went straight to burger king. actually because we thought this is a safe place to eat concidering we have a long bus trips the next day. but maybe it was the weird tasting chicken from the night before or the vegetables or the height and the amount of food we had at bk. i guess we will never figure out. although i can say, i never saw the meat coming up that nihgt :) nearly 24 later within one hours and after nicks belly already decided not to like the food my belly did too. luckly our bellys had a good timing. because nicks sit in on the toilet started already afternoon and got worst until i started. but i had the honor of both ways at same time. groce. no more details. food in bolivia sucks. we still alive. i will skip chicken and burgers for a while.

fazit of bolivia. incredible cheap. so you can drink the whole cocktail menu. :) which we kinda did. you can eat out for nothing which means very often. which we did. and rent your own hut for pfffff. which we did. still havent seen all , no jungle no piranha fishing no animal sanctury for 2 weeks. but we can always come back. the landscape is incredible too, the people - hmmmm- diverse. some were really friendly and helpful some just dicks. i guess like everywhere :)

off to ecuador via peru

in german :)

jap genau, auf nach ecuador . erstmal urlaub machen. reisen ist neamlich kein urlaub. und reisen in suedamerika definitv nicht unanstrengend. sei es die sprache oder der bus oder essen oder sonstige hindernisse. reisen ist abendteuer. und manchmal braucht man davon ne pause. deswegen auf nach montanita.
das ist in ecuador. mit umweg ueber lima. und peru hat bis jetzt keinen guten eindruck bei mir hinterlassen. leider. lima ist defnitv attraktiver als lapaz. vermutlich auch groesser. keine ahnung. aber gesehen habe ich nur einen minimi teil. einen stadtteil. und selbst den nicht.aber was voll abgefahren war. lima ist auf 0 NN und die wolken oder nebel, obwohl es kein richtiger nebel war, hingen haus tief. und das ist nicht uebertrieben. es ist warm nud mega feucht. und dann latscht du durch eine wolke hindurch. hehe.
dabei entdeckte ich ihn. einen deluxe supermarkt. wie ein karstadt oder kaufhof oder sonstiger gehobener supermarkt in europa. du wuerdest nie denken du bist in peru. sauber. alles glanezt. kaese in allen sorten. hach. dem viertel, war sehr vieles westlich, auch die preise. aber der supermakrt. oh man. der hat mir erstmal wieder bewusst gemacht wie sehr mir das fehlt. in bolivien gibt es naemlich keine supermaerkte. in la paz war 1 supermakrt gute 45 min fussmarsch entfernt. das war der einzigeste in diesem radius. in bolivien kauft man eben alles in kleinen shops oder an steanden oder im markt. und mit alles. meine ich alles. vom rettenden klopapier bis zur socke zum ganzen huhn etc.
aber hier in lima reihten sich die supermaerkte dann.
jedoch mein kontakt mit peruanern. naaaaja. mein busticket fuer ecuador kaufte ich im hostel. abgezockt um mindestens die haelfte des presies. aber was willste machen, wenn es in lima keinen busbahnhof gibt. und die offices alle irgendwo in der stadt verstreut sind. und das centro vom benachbarten miraflores , wo ich war, immernoch ne halbe welt weit weg ist.
und ich hatte schon so das gefuehl, dass es nicht alles glatt gehen wuerde. was es ja auch nicht tat. erstmal bin ich mit zitternden knie zum bus. weil auf der panamericana ein paar tage zu vor, also ich glaube ja in der nacht in der ich nach lima gefahren bin, auf der strecke 2 reisebusse frontal ineinander geknallt sind und ein krankenwagen 500 m in die tiefe und irgendein laster auch. ich vermute an einem der krankenwagen oder lastwagen unfaelle sind wir vorbei gekommen, weil wir nachts 3 stunden oder mehr im stau standen. (ich weiss es nicht genau , zu diesem zeitpunkt war ich noch im essenvergiftungsdelirium) nun ja. zu meiner ueberraschung, war der bus ein high end bus. haste nicht gesehn. schoen schoen. der fuhr aber nur bis tumbes in peru, nahe der grenze. und hier beginnt die geschichte. kurz gefasst. ich sitz im offcie der busgesellschaft und soll zur grenze (20km ca) gebracht werden und zu meinem naechsten bus. dafuer habe ich natuerlich viel zu viel bezahlt. und es war in ordnung, dass ich mit dem typen mit bin der meine busagentur und strecke kannte, das heisst er arbeitete fuer das unternehmen. hatte auch so ne unternehmenskarte. aber die kann wahrscheinlich jeder haben. enden tat die reise , mit 3 typen im auto in einem hinterhof in der grenzstadt. und der forderung nach geld ,was ich angeblich wiederbekommen wuerde in guayagil. (wo ich jetzt bin) mir war schon klar, dass das ein trick ist. und nachfragen und nachfragen hat nur bewirkt, dass sie ungeduldig worden. naja . und da muss ich sagen. 3 maenner. hinterhof. da bin ich wohl mit dem verlust von 120 dollaer gut weggekommen. uebergabe erfolgte an einen anderen taxifahrer, der mich zur immigrationoffice fuhr. ein weiterer mann stieg ein. diese sollten typen der agentur sein. jaja klar. nur ein taxifaher. aber auch er wollte absahnen, weitere 20 dollar. aber ich bin froh. ich bin dort weg. und morgen gehts zum surfen. und dann hoffentlich geht nichts schief .

ich sag ja. abenteuer und kein urlaub.
ich denk an euch

ich lade wie immer in den naechsten tage weitere bilder hoch

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